Congratulations Warminster Rotary on receiving the Shelter Box 2024-25 Bronze Hero Award!

Warminster Rotarians gathered on 10/19/24 and 10/20/24 in the field behind Guiseppis & the Ben Wilson Senior Center to plant trees. Funded in part by a Rotary District 7430 grant, the trees planted in this basin were specially selected by the Neshaminy Watershed Association (NWA) to improve our local environment.
Ken Jones, NWA President instructed participants about the different species and how to properly plant them.

Holes were pre-augered allowing Rotarians to expand the area and place the saplings. Once set in the ground, the sprouts were then mulched and watered.
This project helps reduce stormwater runoff into the Neshaminy Creek, creates a habitat for wildlife, and beautifies the wetland area. Educational signage will soon be placed close to the basin explaining the project's importance.
Thank you to the partners in this project: Warminster Environmental Advisory Council, Penn State Master Watershed Stewards, Warminster Municipal Authority, and The Warminster Rotary Club.

Congratulations to William Tennent High School's senior Teagan Noll for being selected as as our October Warminster Rotary Student of the Month!'s a lot more.
It's in a very special place where children play and learn. Where parents realize love.
Where friends are made, friendships nurtured, and futures dreamed.
It's part of our hometown where memories are made and kept alive.
Two such profound friends were Bryan Benson and Seann Campbell.
Try as we may to validate the pain we endure, even after 30 years, we have hope.
No, this is not just a bench. It's so much more.
Maybe you'll sit on this bench. Maybe you'll pass by and read what it says. Maybe someone will rest for a moment.
Maybe two young children will sit here and share all the stuff that makes for an everlasting friendship. 
This is a beacon of hope.
It's one small gesture toward improving our community and keeping the memory of Bryan and Seann alive.
Karin Suttmann, President of the Warminster Rotary Club 2022-2024
On 8/14/23, past District Governor Len Giesler awarded the Warminster Rotary Club the prestigious Rotary Citation for the 2022-23 fiscal year. This is the most significant award a Rotary club can receive. The Rotary Citation award recognizes the hard work clubs do throughout the year. Working to achieve the citation goals helps clubs engage their members, stay relevant in their communities, and run more efficiently. A welcoming and engaging club not only fosters a positive experience for its members, but also reflects the values of Rotary. When clubs achieve citation goals, they contribute to the overall health and culture of Rotary for generations to come. During a year that was challenging for many Rotarians and clubs around the world, the Warminster Rotary club demonstrated a commitment to achieve our goals, which ultimately helps strengthen Rotary and shape our future.
Congratulations to the Warminster Rotary Club
A reward fund created in 1993 to help catch the person(s) responsible for murdering two young Warminster men, Bryan Benson and Seann Campbell is being repurposed to help local food banks and disadvantaged youth, a request made by the victims’ families who said they want to see the money help the community that helped them in their time of need. In 2021, the Warminster Rotary Club Foundation accepted $61,545.86 from the Benson-Campbell Reward Fund, which had been sitting dormant.
Benson and Campbell were best friends and working together at the West Coast Video in Rosemore Shopping Center when they were brutally murdered on Nov. 10, 1993. Their killings remain unsolved.
At the time, Benson’s parents, Janice and Gary Benson, and Campbell’s parents, Bonnie and Greg Youngers, helped establish the Benson-Campbell Reward Fund. Residents of Warminster and surrounding communities donated more than $52,000. The money was placed into an account, and no disbursements of the reward money were ever made. As time passed and with bank consolidations, the identity of the custodian of the Benson-Campbell Reward Fund became lost.
Recently, Attorney Sean Corr, representing Campbell’s parents, with the assistance of Bucks County District Attorney Matthew Weintraub and the office’s Victim Witness Coordinator Itzamir Pagan, was able to determine the ownership and origins of the reward fund.
Corr, a past member of the Warminster Rotary Club, met with both families and the Board of the Warminster Rotary Foundation.
Both families said they were touched by the support of the community over the years and, in consultation with Corr and DA Weintraub, determined the money, now found, should be used to better the community.
While they have not lost faith that someone will help provide information that would bring the parties responsible for the murder of their sons to justice, both families felt the money should be reinvested locally.
“Brian and Sean deserve justice,” District Attorney Matt Weintraub said. “But I take some solace by helping to their parents’ wishes that something good could be done in our community with the reward fund once we were able to help recover this money for them.”
The families said their hope is to see the funds managed by an organization with local roots, strong leadership focused efforts to improve the community and continue to keep Bryan and Seann’s memory alive.
The Benson family said they wanted to see the money used to support local food pantries and the Youngers Family wished to help organizations that support youth with disadvantages.
On Jan 13, 2021 the Warminster Rotary Foundation Board of Directors voted to establish the Bryan Benson and Seann Campbell Memorial Fund with the $61,545.86, which is separate from their operating fund.
The first distributions were made to the following organizations: $2,500 to the Warminster Food Bank, Warminster, PA; $2,500 to the Lehman Methodist Church Food Pantry, Hatboro, PA; $2,500 to the St. John Lutheran Church Food Pantry, Hatboro, PA; and $2,500 to the Hopes and Dreams Foundation, Southampton, PA.
Every distributed check will include how the fund was established and the wishes of the family to have their sons remembered.
For more information, contact Karin Suttmann, President, Warminster Rotary Foundation at or 215-439-8790 or Manuel Gamiz Jr., Director of Communications, Bucks County District Attorney’s Office at or 215-348-6298.
Anyone with information on the killings of Bryan Benson and Seann Campbell, please contact Warminster Township police at 215-443-5000 or Bucks County detectives at
Rotary has seven areas of focus that change lives. Promoting Peace, Fighting Disease, Clean Water/Sanitation/Hygiene, Saving Mothers and Children, Supporting Education, Growing Local Economies, and Protecting the Environment. Read on to see a sampling of how the Warminster Rotary Club serves these areas of focus.

Warminster Day, June 2022
Pictured here are Rotarian Mike Cerino of the Warminster Food Bank, Rotarian Craig Schmidt, PE Karin Suttmann, Rotarian Russell Dunchock and Honorary Rotarian Dan Finello. Warminster Day is an annual community event that celebrates our town. The day was filled with entertainment, activities, food and overall goodwill. A number of Rotarians participated by manning our tent and meeting new friends.
The Warminster Rotary Club proudly supports The Warminster Food Bank, serving families with food insecurity. The October 2022 food drive was a roaring good time! Pictured here is Rotarian and Director of the Warminster Food Bank, Mike Cerino!
The Warminster Rotary club actively participates in caring for our environment. Pictured here are members planting trees in a local water basin to improve conditions in the township.

A few hours on a Saturday cleaning up a water basin in the community is a lot more than just picking up trash. It results in Municipal Authority services to work for the community efficiently.

Promoting peace is something at the heart of every Rotarian world wide. We apply the four-way test, an ethical standard to the things we think, say or do. Is it the truth? Is it fair to all concerned? Will it promote good will and better friendships? Is it beneficial to all concerned?

Warminster Rotary
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